


Swine-flu bribe fever! – U.N.'s H1N1 scientists linked to companies
making vaccine



World Health Organization scientists are suspected of accepting secret
bribes from vaccine manufacturers to influence the U.N. organization's
H1N1 pandemic declaration, according to Danish and Swedish newspapers.


Meanwhile, pharmaceutical profits from swine-flu-related drugs have
soared – with earnings between $10 billion and $15 billion in 2009,
investment bank JPMorgan estimates.


As WND reported, WHO Director General Margaret Chan initially raised
the influenza pandemic alert to its second-highest level in May – but
evidence reveals the agency may have made it easier to classify the
flu outbreak as a pandemic by changing its definition to omit
"enormous numbers of deaths and illness" just prior to making its

The world was gripped with fears of swine flu as the alert increased
from Phase 5 to Phase 6, the highest level. Immediately,
pharmaceutical companies began working to develop vaccines, and
countries tailored their responses to address the situation.

Shots frighten you? Be sure to get "SCARY MEDICINE: Exposing the dark
side of vaccines"

Danish newspaper Information reported that when Chan raised the level
of pandemic alert on June 11, the declaration meant substantial
economic benefits for the pharmaceutical industry – especially since
many countries have contracts with major drug companies and are
required to purchase vaccines in the event of a pandemic. Swedish
newspaper Svenska Dagbladet echoed Information's report.

"Many of the apparently impartial researchers the WHO uses, however,
are paid by the companies that produce vaccines," states a translated
version of the Information article, "Strong lobbying behind WHO
resolution on mass vaccination."

One expert in a WHO H1N1 advisory group, Dr. Albert Osterhaus, has
been subject to a Dutch government investigation. The government
convened a crisis meeting after an article in Science magazine
indicated that Osterhaus has financial interests in several
pharmaceutical companies.

Osterhaus, known as "Dr. Flu," is the head of the department of
virology at the Erasmus Medical Center, University of Rotterdam.
According to a European Commission Research website, Osterhaus is
co-founder of two biotech companies and promotes vaccines as solutions
for pandemics.

Another expert who advises WHO on vaccines, Dr. Frederick Hayden, isdescribed as a flu-research coordinator from the Wellcome Trust in         London.

However, according to the report, Hayden also serves as a "paid
adviser" for pharmaceutical companies Roche, RW Johnson, SmithKline Beecham and Glaxo Wellcome.

WHO expert Dr. Arnold Monto is also purportedly a paid consultant for MedImmune (a company that produces nasal flu vaccine), Glaxo Wellcome and ViroPharma. However, WHO's Strategic Advisory Group of Experts never divulged those ties, according to the report.

The newspaper also states that numerous pharmaceutical companies
maintain an active presence during WHO advisory group meetings, with representatives listed as "observers."

Professor Tom Jefferson, epidemiologist at the Cochrane Center in
Rome, told Information he believes the researchers' dual roles are
problematic, and he noted the WHO's emphasis on drugs rather than
proper hygiene habits.

"The WHO's latest recommendation on the control of pandemic influenzahas frequent washing of hands mentioned twice," he said. "Vaccines and antivirals are, however, mentioned 24 and 18 times. Why would an international public-health agency focus on much more expensive interventions, such as vaccines and medication, when it is not proven that they work?"

Jefferson said washing one's hands is the only proven method of flu prevention.

Wolf Dieter Ludwig, head of the drug commission of the German MedicalAssociation, told Der Spiegel he has no doubt pharmaceutical companies have been seeking to capitalize off what he called a "nonexistent

(Story continues below)

WHO spokesman Gregory Hartl told Information it's natural to allow
representatives of the pharmaceutical industry to participate in WHO

"Everybody has something to contribute in this process – industry,
[nongovernmental organizations] and professional players – so we cangather all information," he said. "They cannot vote. They have no
influence on the outcome, and they can only speak when they are asked.
We make vaccine recommendations, so we need knowledge about what isrequired to produce a vaccine. Only the manufacturers have thatknowledge."

According to the report, WHO does not publicize information about
advisers' financial ties to the pharmaceutical industry.

"All staff must sign the declaration of conflicts of interest, so we
are clear about their background," Hartl said. "But again, Frederick
Hayden is the best influenza virologist in the world, so if you want
to know how influenza behaves, you ask Fred Hayden."

Asked why WHO doesn't publish the advisers' financial ties to drug
companies, he replied, "I'm not sure why we didn't publish it. I can't
answer that. … It is possible that we will look at a code of
disclosure of financial information, but I cannot promise anything."

He continued, "WHO has a system that guarantees independence. … We donot let anything or anyone influence us."

Louise Volle, journalist at the Danish daily and co-author of the
report, told Russia Today, "The biggest problem seems to be that we
don't know enough. There's not enough transparency on financial
disclosure on the expert groups used by WHO. … Scientists who appearto be independent are also hired consultants working for the samepharmaceutical companies who produce the vaccines. This is clearly anissue that needs to be taken care of."

Volle said she does not expect that the WHO will publish the financialdisclosures on its experts unless public pressure is put on theorganization.

Asked whether any solid investigations are being conducted to explore the allegations, she replied, "Not currently. I don't think so. …
It has to be public what is going on in these meetings and what is
going on in these expert groups. Who are the people working for WHO?
And who else are they working for?"

According to Voice of America, Keiji Fakuda, WHO director general on
pandemic influenza, refuted claims that WHO is in collusion with the
pharmaceutical industry. He also noted that 150 million doses of H1N1 vaccine have been distributed in 40 countries.

Meanwhile, WHO reports the global H1N1 death toll at 8,768 as of Dec. 4.

According to estimates from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention, between 2,500 and 6,100 Americans died from swine flu
between April and Oct. 17 this year.

However, the CDC also reports that during a typical U.S. winter,
normal seasonal flu strains result in an average of 200,000
hospitalizations and 36,000 American deaths – roughly 10 times the
current swine-flu death rate.

Leading epidemiologists are now predicting the pandemic may rank asthe mildest on record.

Note: Concerned individuals may contact the World Health Organization.


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